These were taken in Spanish Point, probably my most frequent photographic subject. I've posted up photos of the place here, here, here, and finally, here. I wouldn't say that Spanish Point is my favourite landscape location, however, I have easy access to it and somewhere to stay nearby. Sometimes, I'm learning, this is equally, or even more important than the beauty of the spot and the skill of the photographer. Plus, I like the fact that I'm building up something of an unintentional 'collection' of photos of Spanish Point, at different times, seasons, and weather conditions. Photos often add up to more than the sum of their parts when viewed all at once. Sometime soon I'll post all my favourites in one post - that's a threat.
Anyway, here you go!
Sorry about all the commas...

By the way, if you click through to the photo hosted on Zooomr, you can view the geolocation data which I added afterwards - if you're interested in knowing where exactly these were taken.