simple is beautiful
Photos and Ponderings: August 2008
2 ... 2 ...

Monday, August 25, 2008

Water and Rocks

My last one from Dingle, so now I'll actually have to go out and take more photographs...

Blue Water

Saturday, August 16, 2008


I've tried insect macro photography before with little success. However, I found this perfect subject. It was big, so I could fill the frame with it, but most importantly, it stayed almost perfectly still for about ten minutes, allowing me to take loads of pictures and experiment with different settings and composition. I even bent grass less than an inch in front of it to get a better shot, and it didn't so much as flinch! I finally overstepped the line when I went off to get a penknife, and tried to chop off some blades of grass which were obscuring its face - it hopped off, almost lazily.

You Lookin' At Me?

Friday, August 15, 2008

Drying off

Just a bit of fun: Went to Curraghchase with Coco the dog yesterday, she had a bit of a swim. Unfortunately she doesn't have huge floppy cheeks or ears, which would have made these much more impressive.

drying off-6

drying off-5

drying off-4

drying off-3

drying off-2

drying off-1

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Another from Dingle

Here's another, taken at the same beach and at the same time as the photo in the last post. We left before the sun had fully set, thinking we had got the best of it. On the way home, past Tralee, we were treated to the most stunning red sunset I've ever seen in my life. If we had just stayed twenty minutes longer on the beach, I think I could have taken some of my best photos ever. I was still very happy with what I did take, but if only...

Shiny Rocks

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Dingle Peninsula

I was away at the weekend, which was an unusual break from the norm of working and sleeping (there's an ad on the radio which describes work as a day of back-breaking toil broken up only by periods of mind-numbing boredom, or words to that effect. It's funny, this is exactly how my job could be described! It's like they took the words out of my mouth!

Anyway, here is the first of a few of my photos from a weekend away, largely spent in Dingle. (I've blogged about Dingle before, here if you're interested). However, my favourite photo, the one below, was taken on the way home - still on the peninsula, but more towards Tralee. If you're interested, click through to the photo on Zooomr to see the geo-location data (and sign-up and comment, if you feel so inclined..)
